Welcome to Carnival time - or Karneval /Fasching/Fastnacht Zeit! New Orleans and Rio aren't the only cities that celebrate Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday / Carnival. It is a huge celebration here in Germany as well, particularly in Western cities such as Köln (Cologne) and Mainz and in the south in Bavaria. Festivities begin as early as November (Nov. 11 at 11:11am) and the period is called the "fifth season" (fünfte Jahreszeit), leading up to the Catholic Lenten season.
The official begin of Carnival week is on "Weiberfastnacht" (Women's Carnival) that starts the Thursday before Ash Wednesday. On that day, watch out for your ties! Women are allowed to go around and cut off men's ties. The celebrations culminate in parades and partying through "Rosenmontag" (Rose Monday) and "Faschings Dienstag" (Shrove Tuesday) - the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. People dress in elaborate costumes and masks, and shows are staged at Carnival Clubs where club members or invited guests perform dance, song routines and comedy sketches - called Narren (similar to jesters/clowns). Starting tomorrow of course, the party period is then over, and Lent or, "Fasten" period begins. But until then, a hearty Carnival greeting to all - Hela, Ahoi and Alaaf!